Our Curriculum

At Stepping Stone, we offer a rich, stimulating and ambitious curriculum which is designed to challenge and excite each of our students. We strive to make every student feel valued, happy and successful, whilst instilling a love for learning and the skills required to realise their ambitions for the future.

In STD 1-5, our curriculum offers the following subjects:

Maths, English, Nepali, Hindi, social studies, social science, games/sports, arts and crafts, phonics and character development.

More About Our Subjects…


Maths provides a foundation for understanding the world and is essential to everyday life. At Stepping Stone, children become fluent in the fundamentals of maths, they learn to reason mathematically and solve increasingly difficult problems. Covering topics such as place value, operations, fractions, measure and statistics, teachers use a variety of teaching aids and resources to help children understand conceptually and in more abstract forms.

Hindi and Nepali

In Sikkim, Hindi and Nepali are two of the main languages that we use to communicate, so we place great importance on teaching these subjects here at Stepping Stone. In a variety of fun and exciting ways, children learn correct pronunciation, grammatical constructions and letter formation.

Character Development

We think it is essential that our children know how to keep themselves and others safe, healthy and happy, which is why we offer character development lessons. From learning about personal hygiene, recycling, bullying, financial literacy, exercise, diet, emotional regulation and many other topics, we provide the knowledge and skills that children need to thrive and survive in this modern world.


As we are an English medium school, all subjects are taught in English, with the exception of languages. English is a particularly important language for our children to master as it is the primary language by which many people, industries and countries communicate.

At Stepping Stone, children get regular opportunities to practise their speaking and listening by taking part in drama, role-plays, conversation, discussions, poetry recitals, singing and partner work.  Children learn letter formation from STD Nursery and refine their handwriting skills as they move to the next class. By exploring different text types, children build their sentence structure, vocabulary knowledge and grammatical understanding of the language.  

Reading is a priority for us here. We have hundreds of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books available in our library for children to read. All of our teachers are trained to teach phonics - a successful, research-based approach to teaching reading. We follow the Jolly Phonics scheme and children receive daily phonics lessons starting in Nursery.  Watch the video to the left to find out more about phonics…

Nursery at Stepping Stone

Did you know that children learn and develop at a faster rate from birth to 5 years compared to any other time in their lives? That’s why we have carefully planned a thoughtful, personalised schedule for our Nursery children. We want to make sure every moment counts. Our Nursery children attend school for half a day, Monday to Friday and experience a variety of different learning opportunities in every subject.

Our Computer Lab

At Stepping Stone Academy, we are proud to offer our students computer-based lessons in our modern computer lab. Here, children learn about internet safety, typing and how to use different programs such as Microsoft. Learning these skills is important because it helps them to develop problem solving, critical thinking and digital literacy, preparing them for the technology-drive world that they will encounter.